Item Category definition with XMS Systems

Item Category definition with XMS Systems

Stock items are added to categories or sub-categories. Each category can be easily activated or de-activated as required. Categories can also be re-ordered as required.

Admin >> Dashboard >> Shopping >> Shop Categories

XMS Systems E-Commerce Categories List

  1. Name is the name of the "Category"
  2. Image is the default image for the category. This image will also be used it you omit to upload an image for a specific stock item in the category.
  3. Visible shows if the category and relevant stock items are available on the shop front.
    If you disable a "Main Category" the relevant "Sub Categories" and stock items will be disabled as well.
  4. Sub Categories - The number of Sub Categories in this Main Category
    You are not allowed to allocate stock items and sub categories to a main category. You will see an error if you do.
  5. Stock  Items - The number of stock items in this category
  6. Order the order the categories will be displayed in.
  7. Click "edit" to edit a category.
  8. Click "Add New" to add a category
  9. Click "Sub Categories" to add or edit a sub category

Add or Edit a category

XMS Systems E-Commerce - Edit Category

  1. Parent Category
    This should always be "Main Category". This option is defunct and will be removed soon.
  2. Category is the name of the category. Keep it short and simple
  3. Longname allows you to define some text up to 255 characters long.
  4. Click "Browse..." to upload an image.
    The image will be reduces in size to 200 px by 200 px so no need to upload a large image
  5. Visible "Yes" will enable the category providing there is at least one stock item allocated to the category
  6. Click Insert / Update depending if you are adding or editing a category
  7. Do not delete the category if you have any sub categories defined. (Will implement a safety guard)

Add or Edit a Sub Category
Click "Sub Categories" button to get to the list of sub categories

Add or Edit a Sub Category

Adding stock Items

Written by:  - 1 Dec, 2012  