Step 5 - Managing your Website Menu

Step 5 - Managing your Website Menu

How to manage your XMS Systems Menu System.

Managing your Website Menu or "Front-end Menu" is an easy "Two Step" process

  1. Log into your website
  2. Go to "Admin" Section
  3. Click "Dashboard"
  4. Click "Website Configuration"
  5. Click "Front-end Menu"
  6. You will see the following screen
    Front-end Menu Items
  7. This translates to the following on the website
    Front end Menu
  8. If you want to add a menu item the First Step is to click the "add new" button at the bottom of the page
    Edit Front end Menu
    Define your new "Menu Item"
    Select where the menu will fit in
    "Top Level" Menu or "Sub Menu"

    Give the Menu Item a "Name"
    Keep it short

    Give it a "Tooltip"
    Short but descriptive

    Set the "Access Level"
    The system use this to determine what needs to be displayed on the menu if the visitor is "Logged In" or "Not Logged In"

    Set the "Visability" of the page
    Regardless of the "Access Level" this will "Display" or "Not Display" the page

    From and Till Date and Time
    Ignore this for now
  9. Click "Insert"
  10. You will be taken back to the "Menu List"
  11. Use the "Up"Up arrow and "Down"Down Arrow arrows to "Group the Menu Items" in a order that will make sense later when you have 100's of Menu Items
  12. Make sure to click "Save" at the top of the page, above the arrows to save your menu order.
  13. To make changes to the "First Step" click "edit menu" next to the menu item you want to change
  14. The Second Step would be to Assign a URL or "Link" to the menu item you just created.
    Click "edit link" next top the menu item you want to edit

    Add a link
    Select "Type of Page" from the dropdown
    I added a page will list all the pages you added to the system
    Add one of My Pages

    Use a XMS Systems Page will list all the "System Pages"
    Add XMS Systems Page

    Adding a link to a page on a different website or some link to your own website that you customised select Enter Custom URL and enter the full URL
    Custom URL

    Some System Pages has parameters that will be selectable from a further dropdown.
    At this stage of the game you will not have anything in those dropdowns so avoid those System Files

    Target Dropdown
    Select how the page needs to be opended when the user clicked on the menu item.
    In general pages to your own site will be "Same Window" and pages on another site will be "New Window"
  15. Click "Insert" and repeat as required.
Written by:  - Updated 22 Oct, 2017  
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