South African Firearm Module default information

South African Firearm Module default information

This section gives a short introduction to the different sections of the default information that needs to be configured before the module can be used.

This section is only accessible by pre-defined administrators.

Login into your XMS Systems based website and navigate to the Admin section > Dashboard > Firearm Module > Firearm Module Data

Sections available

  1. Activity Types
    In this section, you going to define the different “types” of activity a member can participate in. Including the “points” that can be earned per activity, if the points are carried over to the next year, for use by the administrators only and if a specific activity is in use and visible to the general members. Includes 13 “admin only” activities.
    Setting the “Activity Period” and minimum compliance threshold for the period as well as a minimum number of points required by the association to access “long term” points
  2. Committee Types
    Define and manage your different committee/positions you have in your organisation that a member can belong/take part in
  3. Venues
    This is a list of venues that a member can record activities against
  4. Classification
    Define and manage the different categories
  5. Seniority
    Define and Manage the “seniority” categories
  6. Firearm Actions
    Define and Manage “Firearm Action Type” database (Currently 11)
  7. Firearm Calibres
    Define and Manage “Firearm calibres” database as well as the “Firing Type” database it depends on (Currently 391)
  8. Firearm Makes
    Define and Manage the “Firearm Makers” database (Currently 345)
Written by:  - Updated 28 Jul, 2019  
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