Discount Vouchers are useful if you want to sell a product at a discounted price without marketing it as a "Sale" item.
It is normally used to attract new customers by giving out the coupon code for a specific product either via em email invitation or by using social media to promote your website or shop.
Customers are more likely to buy from you if you have active coupon codes flying around on the internet.
XMS Systems E-Commerce module Coupon Module coupons are allocated to a specific stock item for a specific type period. Discount is calculated on a percentage basis. If the visitor view the item without the coupon code they will see the normal selling price. Entering a valid coupon code for that product calculates the discounted price and displays it in the normal "Sale" fashion.
Admin >> Dashboard >> Shopping >> Discount Coupons
You are presented with a list of entered coupons
Click "edit" or "add new" to add or edit a coupon.
If a visitor view a product that has a coupon code the item will be displayed as in the image below
When they enter a valid coupon code the price will be adjusted a in the image below