XMS Systems

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Fred Mac Donald

Fred Let XMS Systems worry about the inner workings of your websitewas born in South Africa a couple of years ago and after completing school at the age of 17 went on and trained as an aircraft maintenance engineer with the South African Air Force.

He qualified initially on the Hawker Siddeley 125 working at 21 Squadron with VIP’s. Looking for more excitement, he re-qualified to work on the Italian Aermcchi 326M and 326K light military jet aircraft based at 7 Squadron.

Fred had seen his fair share of active duty spending time in the South African border war and ended his career in the South African Air Force as NCO in charge of the 7 Squadron flight line and training apprentices that would make the next generation of engineers for the South African Air Force.

After completing 10 years of military service Fred took his discharge and made a career change into IT in the era of “DOS 3.1”, “XT Computers” and “Novell NetWare 3.1”, adding a installation and training of couple of accounting packages to his arsenal completing the package for complete office automation.

At Home

Currently residing in the beautiful “Emerald Isle” of Ireland, Northern Ireland more specifically, Fred is a cat lover with two beautiful Siamese cats namesSiamese Cats “Fancy” and “Georgious” that are both fully toilet trained. Have a greenhouse out the back growing (trying to) different vegetables. Fred is also spending time working with people with learning difficulties and challenging behaviour ranging from 18 years of age to elderly people. Giving them the opportunity to live a normal life as they can get.

He is also an amateur astronomer enjoying open nights at the local Armagh Planetarium and Observatory as well as taking time out once in a while for enjoy the worlds largest treasure hunt, GeoCaching

Fred quickly realised that many of his hosting clients wanted to be in charge of their own website and content but do not have the time to master the traditional content management systems.

Nor were they interested with the hassle of keeping the software up to date with the latest security fixes or interested in visiting countless forums to try and keep their CMS secure and working.

XMS Systems CMS

The obvious solution was to start from the bottom and develop a content management system that is relatively easy to use and do exactly what the user would expect in a way that they would would expect to edit a document or upload an image.

From humble beginnings, high hopes of changing the Internet and friends that believed in Fred XMS Systems developed from something that we don’t talk about into the Content Management Systems it is today with integrated article/blog modules, e-commerce, tour manager, newsletter manager and lots more.

XMS Systems was initially developed based on user requirements at the time and are constantly expanded with new modules and existing modules re-developed, still with user input.

ExelWebs Hosting

With an ever increasing client base and a requirement for more secure and a reliable hosting environment Fred invested in servers located in two separated data centres in the USA with engineers on 24/7 standby for incase something goes wrong at server level.

With clients ranging from the local Police to websites sponsored by EPSON and everything in between you will be in good hands when you decide to get your online presence for your business working for you.
